Monday 17 June 2013

Lessons Learnt, Lord

Hello, hello! So I’m back from camp. Well, I have for some days now. I’ve just been taking some time off to really rest. Rest. A word I didn’t get to experience at camp. LOL Everyday was so packed with activities. 

One word to describe the whole experience for me is ‘challenging’. Why? You may ask. First off, I had to share a small room with soooo many people. There was barely space to move, it was crazy and I had to wait forever to have my turn in the shower. Sleeping extremely late and waking up so early at dawn was just not my style and it made me feel so grumpy in the early part of the day. There were days we had to fast from 6am till 6pm. That part wasn’t easy too. The latest I fast is till 3pm. I wouldn’t deny that it was a struggle for me. I had so many I-didnt-sign-up-for-this moments. Oh, and I had to be social with a gazillion new people. It was a bit too much for me but camp had its good side though.
The parts I enjoyed were the teaching parts. I learnt so much and got lots of encouragement. I was reminded of the great sacrifices I need to make for my Jesus- my time, effort, money, my whole life. I mean the Guy laid down His life for me, doesn’t He deserve my all? Whenever I felt camp was going downhill for me, I remembered this great sacrifice done on the Cross for me, and how I need to sacrifice my sleep, comfort and energy.

We had some great speakers who shared about how they personally sacrificed their personal careers to answer to the call of ministry. Learning about the huge sacrifices the martyrs did just to bring the Good News to Africa was eye opening and inspiring. Like they knew they would die out here cos of malaria but they still came. They knew the persecutions they would face but still they set out on the mission to bring the saving knowledge of Christ to people they didn’t even the very peril of their lives. Shows how important it is for me and every Christ follower to also go forth to the nations and share Jesus. I learnt that a true follower of Christ cares about the souls of those who have not accepted Christ as their only Savior, and that means I have to sacrifice my vacation, my comfort, my money and all of me to go out there on a Kingdom Mission.

“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”” Matthew 28:18-20

 I also enjoyed the cookout we had and the sports evangelism bit (maybe cos my team won the games. Heheh.Go Team Faith!) I learnt about so many reasons why I shouldn’t date or marry an unbeliever. Yes, no matter how attracted I feel to a cute guy who seems good but not a Christ follower, it’s a no-no. The person I get married to is to help me walk in the purpose of God’s plan for me and vice versa. If the person doesn’t share my beliefs, which form the foundation and pillars of my life, that relationship will be a disaster, it’ll wreck the purpose of my life.

“Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14

I went to this camp expectant of God’s direction and boy, He sure doesn’t disappoint. God spoke to me through a good number of prophecies almost each day of camp. I’ve journaled each of them, waiting and trusting God to see each manifest. But of course, it requires my diligence, prayers and carrying through my side of the deal. God was moving and at work. He still is. :)

I learnt the hard way that I can’t let my introvertedness get in the way of pursuing God and His purpose for me. I’m learning how to be a sweet quiet spirit, and not a bottled up quiet spirit in the midst of lots of unfamiliar people. I’m learning to smile some more no matter the anguish coursing through me.
I’m learning how to bear shame and surrender the dignity of nature, knowing that whenever I suffer shame, I gain strength. My choice to follow Christ and live for Him may look very foolish now, but I know the rewards that await me in eternity. My time on earth is for sowing, reaping is for eternity.

I’m learning that the love of God must and should constrain me. It must constrain me to continually die to self and keep loving others even when the pain they’ve caused is just too real. It must constrain me from enjoying the ‘pleasures’ of this life that only leads to eternal destruction. The love of God was what made Him sacrifice His only begotten son to die for my sins, our sins. Jesus died for me and now, I live for Him. I live to respect and obey His authority. It’s the least I can do, really.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to Life, and those who find it are few.” Matthew 7:13,14

I forged some really cool Godly friendships too. I met ladies and guys who are desperately chasing after God’s heart. I don’t see that often these days. I see lots of lukewarm Christians. Note to self: there are still Godly guys (cute ones too) out there, don’t be disheartened. Wait on the Lord. :) 

So, are you learning the lessons the Lord needs you to learn as He takes you through the chapters of your life? Or are you feeling so comfortable where you are, ignoring His cues? We need to learn the lessons, hard as they may be. We need them to refine us and be well equipped for our daily battles as Christ followers. I’m taking these lessons along as I go forth, giving hope to the least of us and living for my Jesus. xoxo 


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